
Welcome! 我们的学生就业团队努力为学生和招聘主管提供优质的客户服务,指导您完成申请和招聘过程. 我们的目标是让所有学生的就业经历都是愉快和有益的,同时教授市场就业技能. 无论是作为学生还是员工,你都是锡达维尔的宝贵一员. 大学的学生就业计划通过指导和实践经验帮助沙巴体育,因为他们积极建立社区并为大学生活做出贡献.

Three girls working at Rinnova, campus coffee shop

How Do I Find a Job on Campus?


View all the available job postings around campus.

View Job Postings »


Create an online student employment profile.

Create Student Employment Profile »


Determine work eligibility for campus-based jobs.

You are eligible to work on campus:

  • 如果你注册了6个或更多学分(国际学生注册了12个或更多学分).
  • After a written job offer is received and accepted.
  • 在招聘清单上的所有任务完成后:

    • 与HR会面,完成所需的联邦I-9文件.
    • Download the Dayforce app. Create and set up a user profile.
    • Download the Dayforce Wallet app. Create and set up a user profile.
    • 完成所有联邦,州和地方的预扣税表格.
    • 如果选择使用直接存款,请添加其他银行信息.


If this is your first on-campus job, 查看可接受的文件列表,了解开始工作前需要带什么.

  • Documents must be original and unexpired. No photocopies will be accepted.
  • You must bring one document from List A OR one document from both List B and List C.
  • 所有必需的文书工作必须完成之前,开始与雪松维尔就业.
Acceptable Document List »

Additional Helpful Information

Next Steps After Submitting a Job Application

  • 主动联系招聘部门,表达对学生就业的兴趣.
  • 联系招聘部门几周后再跟进.
  • 做好参加面试和选拔过程的准备.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Get a Job?

Can a student have multiple on-campus jobs?

Students may hold multiple positions and on-campus jobs; however, 重要的是不要超过每周允许的最大时间. When classes are in session, 国际学生每周最多可以工作20个小时, 所有其他学生每周最多可以工作25个小时. When classes are not in session (i.e. 秋季/冬季/春季/夏季假期),学生每周最多可工作40小时.


Yes, all incoming, freshman, transfer, 回国的学生有资格在我们的校园工作. 请查看学生在校工作的资格和要求.


是的,所有的国际学生都有资格在我们学校工作. 请查看学生在校工作的资格和要求.

Preparation and Experience

我应该准备什么或带什么去面试我的校园兼职工作? (e.g. resume, cover letter, references, etc.)

各部门主管/经理会联系你安排面试时间. 他们会告诉你他们希望你带哪些东西. 如果你对准备面试有任何问题, please visit Career Services located in the Upper SSC.

What skills do I need to get a part-time job?

每一份工作及其所需的技能在各个校园都有所不同. When viewing job postings, you will see a job description for each opportunity.

Can I get a job without any prior experience?

Yes, several jobs do not require prior experience. 我们的目标是让所有学生的就业经历都是愉快和有益的,同时学生们也能学到适合市场的就业技能.

Working Hours and Locations

When can I begin working?

学生将收到一封来自CU-Hired的电子邮件,其中包含所需的后续步骤说明. After these steps are completed, 学生和招聘主管都会收到一封来自CU-Hired的验证邮件,确认所有文件和任务都已完成. 学生必须在获得授权后才能开始工作.

How do I log my worked hours on the timesheet?

学生应与他们的导师会面,审查程序和时间表说明. 如果学生忘记记录工作时间,学生员工的主管 should 电子邮件给CU-Hired,包括工作的细节和日期, 连同工作班次的开始和结束时间. 


When classes are in session, 国际学生每周最多可以工作20个小时, 所有其他学生每周最多可以工作25个小时. When classes are not in session (i.e. 秋季/冬季/春季/夏季假期),学生每周最多可工作40小时.

Where are the jobs located on campus?

30多个系在校园的不同地点提供工作机会. View job postings to review the latest job opportunities.

Receiving Pay

When will I be paid?

Students are paid on a bi-weekly pay schedule. Please reference the student payroll schedule for specific information regarding dates. 为了得到报酬,你必须在考勤表上准确地输入你的工作时间.

How will I be paid?

As a Cedarville University employee, 您有两种方式领取您的工资:Dayforce钱包或直接存入您的个人银行. 学校不向员工发放纸质支票.

What is my hourly rate of pay?

大多数学生雇员将获得俄亥俄州的最低时薪. In some cases, the hourly pay wage may be higher. This is based on job assignment and experience.


What is Dayforce?


How can I find out more information about internships?

Contact your professors, deans, 和你们系的系主任询问一些实习机会. 你也可以访问就业服务中心,讨论其他几个可供学生使用的前景.

Federal Work Study Program

What is Federal Work Study?

联邦工作研究为有经济需要的本科生和研究生提供兼职工作, 允许学生赚钱支付教育费用. Financial need is determined by FAFSA calculation.

关于联邦工作学习计划的详细信息可以在财政援助上找到 Work Study website.


Yes. 正规的学生工人可以找到校园工作. 学生不需要符合联邦工作学习的资格就可以被雇佣为学生工人.


  • Contact CU-Hired for questions about:
    • The online student employment profile
    • Timesheet entries/corrections through Dayforce
    • Direct deposit for paychecks through Dayforce Wallet
    • Tax withholding forms and year-end tax forms
    • General student employment inquiries
  • 通过以下方式联系各部门的雇佣主管 Find a Person for questions about job requirements, descriptions, and specifications, as well as interview follow-ups and work schedules. 
  • Contact the Financial Aid Office 有关联邦工作学习计划的问题.

Student Employment Coordinator: Debbie Kuhlwein
198 N. Main St., Cedarville, Ohio. CUHired@cai56b.com